About Us

"To be a beacon in our community, creatively challenging everyone through life-changing experiences to know Christ
and to be lights in their communities for Him"
Our Mission
"What is Camp?"
Camp is a week long experience that changes lives forever. It's a week that's saturated in God's Word and integrates Him into every aspect of our lives. We do this through games, small groups, large groups, Bible teaching, personal devotions and unique activities. It's a week filled with S'mores, Koolaide, God's Word and an endless flow of love from the staff of Pine Lake Bible Camp.

Pine Lake Bible Camp has been seeking to influence the lives of young people since 1950. Every week of camp we show the campers the love of their Savior Jesus Christ. Only He can Change-Lives!
"What will they Do at Camp?"
While your camper is at camp they will spend countless hours outdoors, zip lining, swimming, kayaking, fishing, playing basketball and other massive campwide games. But, they will also be learning about Christ through all these activitues.

"What will they Learn at Camp?"
This is the best part of all; Campers learn all about Christ through many different experiences, from being taught how to study their Bibles, to large group worship times, personal Bible time, and one-on-one with their counselors. But we also seek to teach faith through all the activities and program at Pine Lake, reinforcing the idea that God is not just a "Sunday thing."

History of Pine Lake Bible Camp
Pine Lake started in 1950 as Pine Lake Conservative Baptist Bible Camp. The name has since changed to Pine Lake Bible Camp, making the camp open to any and all campers. This matches up with the new vision of Pine Lake, "that every person comes to know the saving power of Jesus Christ." A lot has changed since 1950, but Pine Lake has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing His Love with campers like never before.
God has blessed Pine Lake again and again, with safety, a pool, a zip line, incredible volunteers and wonderful campers year after year. Make Pine Lake part of your life, sign up today!

Do you have to belong to a church to come to Pine Lake Bible Camp?
Not at all! We want all young people to come to camp. So, you may have gone to church your whole life, only a few times, or have no idea what a church looks like inside, but you are all welcome!
What is the Denomination of the camp?
Pine Lake Bible Camp is a Christ-Centered Camp. Our staff come from a variety of denominations, but all agree to our Statement of Faith. Click here to read it.
Do we need to send a counselor from our own church?
Not at all. Pine Lake will provide young, energetic and caring Christian counselors for your camper. They are background checked, interviewed, and trained how to care for campers and to be a stronger Christian influence in their lives. But any Youth Leaders wanting to stay will be accomidated for provided that we have the space avaliable!